Leyendas de la Serpiente Emplumada #1: El ascenso del rey enano (Tales of the Feathered Serpent #1: Rise of the Halfling King, Spanish Edition)

David Bowles (Author) Charlene Cosette Bowles (Illustrator)
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12, Ages 13 to 15

A magical boy from Mayan mythology faces impossible tasks and a ruthless king to save the people of Mexico. The first in a series of middle grade graphic novels based on ancient Mesoamerican myths and legends.

This is the Spanish language edition of Tales of the Feathered Serpent #1: Rise of the Halfling King.

Una emocionante novela gráfica que sigue las aventuras de un niño mágico de la mitología maya, El ascenso del rey enano es el primer tomo de una serie basada en mitos y leyendas mesoamericanas.

Sayam siempre ha sido diferente de los demás niños: es muy bajo para su edad, su mejor amigo es un mono y lo más curioso de todo: ¡nació de un huevo! Su abuela, una bruja, lo encontró y le enseñó toda la magia antigua que usa para ayudar a su gente. Entonces, cuando una serpiente gigante comienza a aterrorizar una ciudad cercana, Sayam decide que es hora de usar su conocimiento para ayudar a otros, y entra en acción. Pero la bestia podría no ser el mayor problema de Sayam: el despiadado rey Kinich Kak Ek ve a Sayam como una amenaza para su trono. La profecía declara que quien tenga éxito en tres pruebas imposibles serárey. Las serpientes monstruosas y las pruebas imposibles son mucho para un niño, ¡pero Sayam es valiente y tiene a un mono leal, una abuela sabia y conocimientos mágicos de su lado!

A los lectores de historias de aventuras con un enfoque mitológico les encantará esta emocionante y accesible novela gráfica. El ascenso del rey enano es también un atractivo recurso educativo para los estudiantes de secundaria: una introducción inigualable a la cultura maya, brindada por un experto en la cultura mesoamericana y la literatura juvenil. Bowles reunió previamente una serie de historias de la mitología maya, azteca y otras antiguas mitologías del México precolombino en un libro para jóvenes lectores titulado Serpiente emplumada, corazón del cielo.


A middle grade graphic novel follows the adventures of a magical boy from Maya mythology. The first of a series based on ancient Mesoamerican myths and legends.

Sayam has always been different from other kids—he's very short for his age, his best friend is a monkey, and most curious of all: he was born from an egg! His grandmother, a witch, found him and taught him all the ancient magic she uses to help her people. So when a giant snake starts terrorizing a nearby city, Sayam decides it's time for him to use his knowledge to help others, and steps into action. But the beast might not be Sayam's biggest problem: the ruthless King Kinich Kak Ek sees Sayam as a threat to his throne. Prophecy declares that whoever succeeds at three impossible tests will be king. Monstrous snakes and impossible tests are a lot for a boy to handle, but Sayam is brave and has a loyal monkey, a wise grandmother, and magical knowledge on his side!

Fans of adventure tales with a mythological focus—such as Bowles' previous work with Latin American myths, The Chupacabras of the Rio Grande and the Garza Twin series—will love this exciting and accessible graphic novel. Rise of the Halfling King is also an invaluable educational tool for middle school students—it's a well-researched introduction to Maya culture, made accessible by an expert in Mesoamerican culture and juvenile literature.

This is the Spanish language edition of Tales of the Feathered Serpent #1: Rise of the Halfling King.

More Information
SKU 132352
ISBN 9780593312698
Language Spanish
Lexile ® Measure N/A
Page Count 64
Product Type Paperback Books
Book Type Graphic Novels & Comics
Additional Contributor Charlene Cosette Bowles
Primary Contributor David Bowles
Age Groups Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12, Ages 13 to 15
Publisher Vintage Español